
Friday, 15 July 2011

Parties in CPS Days.........

Now   i am going to describe the party days of cps,,,,,,,,

                                                            generally, a party means lots of entertaining programmes and all that but for us,,the most exciting thing was.......................................... 

to fetch over the food items ........ 

we have waited the entire function to be end so that we would jump over the food items stored in our class,,which we feels was totally belongs to us.

the battle was firstly seems to be of individual nature as at starting every student try to ate up the whole but after lots of struggle they, realized that this would not work any more,,,,,so......the battles turns into " a war " between two world powers---- Boys vs girls.

they all jumps over the food at the same time and then...u dont believe that they,,,they fetch the food like animals ,,, no care about goddess annapurna at alll.

but why I am saying this as i was also a warrior like them.

It gives rise to a terrible food-fight where we throw food items over each other.................... 

I m missing those days..........................................


if u are a student or a teacher and u want to share your moments or experiences ,,
mail me at - 

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